After several days of shopping on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it’s now time for your shoppings to be shipped to you! If you don’t want to go through the long shipping time, read this! We’ve gathered tips and tutorial on how you can get your shipments one step quicker than others by following these easy steps!
Any Singaporean who likes to shop online will know the frustration of picking out purchases on a website based overseas, only to find at the checkout that the store can’t ship to Singapore. Parcel forwarding service is the answer to this problem! Buyandship has 13 warehouses worldwide, which allows you to shop around the world! We provide our users with affordable, actual-weight based shipping rate and free parcel consolidation service. Sign Up to Get S$5 Off Now!
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► Tutorial On Declaration
► Shipment Consolidation Tips
Shipment Declare Tutorial
To get your parcels delivered as soon as possible, we highly suggest you pre-declare parcel(s) before its arrival at our overseas warehouse. After your goods are shipped out from retailer, you’ll get notified the name of the shipping carrier and tracking number by email. Please go to Buyandship website to log in to your Member Center and declare the shipment truthfully in the Buyandship mobile app or website “Add Shipment” as soon as possible.
As long as you declare the shipment on time and accurately (before your shipment arrives at the warehouse), our colleagues at the warehouse shall be able to handle your shipment as quickly as possible.
Step-by-Step Tutorial – How to Declare?
Step 1:Once you have your delivery tracking number (not order number) from your online shopping website, or from Buyandship’s email that your shipment has checked in or not (in this email you will see the correct tracking number to declare with), you will need to first Login into your account in Buyandship, access the member centre and go to “My Shipment” section.

Step 2:Click on the button “Add a shipment”. Please select which Buyandship warehouse location you shipped to, enter your tracking number (not order number), with product details for declaration purposes.
Tip#1: One Shipment equals to one tracking number. You could have multiple items under 1 tracking number.
Tip#2: For “Unit Price”, it’s the price of the item for 1 UNIT. The declaration should also be in the home currency – if it is in the US warehouse it should be in USD, if Japan in Yen etc.
Step 3:After clicking the “NEXT” button in Step 2, you will be shown a preview of your declaration. Please double-check the info you submitted is correct and press the “Confirm” button if everything looks good.

As stated above, declaring your shipments is important for us to process your shipments faster and effectively. However, we notice that a lot of people had been having trouble declaring their shipments. To ease that bump, we created a sample declaration (per item, per set, and multiple quantities) as your guide.
Declaration Sample Guide: Per Item

The declaration price should always be the unit price or the price of the item per 1 quantity.
Declaration Sample Guide: Per Set

If you bought a set item for a certain fixed value, you need to declare it per set as well. Take the example above: if you’ve bought a Harry Potter book set and a Hunger Games Trilogy set, all you need to do is declare each set per line.
Declaration Sample Guide: Multiple Quantities

Friendly Note: Please DO NOT make mistakes as you may be charged on your declaration amount for duties and tax. Double-check your declaration and make sure it is according to your invoice and receipt before submitting it!
Way to Get Your Shipments
You will receive an email from Buyandship upon your shipment’s arrive in our Hong Kong warehouse. From there, you can choose whether to send your parcels individually or consolidate them into one shipment!
One of the advantages of consolidating your parcels is being able to minimize your shipping fees with Buyandship! By consolidating, instead of paying for the weight for multiple shipments, get better savings when you combine them into one to pay.
However, we are expecting a significant increase in shipment numbers during the Black Friday shopping season. To get your parcels delivered as soon as possible, we highly recommend you to choose single shipment, you don’t have to wait until all parcels to arrive at the warehouse, and you will receive your parcels sooner with a smooth process, and prevent delay!
💡Find Out More Differences On Shipping Individually VS Consolidation
How to Shop Abroad & Ship to Singapore?
Step 1: Register as a Buyandship Member
Step 2: Enter the Nearest Warehouse Address as the Delivery Address
Step 3: Declare Your Shipment with Tracking Number
Step 4: Consolidate Your Shipments Upon Arrival at Hong Kong
Step 5: Wait for Delivery
Check Out the Comprehensive Tutorial on How to Use Buyandship
Sign Up to Get S$5 Off Your First Shipment and Access to Our Warehouse Addresses. Don’t Forget to Join Our Official Facebook Group So You Can Share Shopping Tips & Latest Deals with Other Members!
Why Use Buyandship?
1. Enable You to Buy Anything from Your Fave Brands at a Lower Price
2. Access to Million of Products That Are Not Available in Singapore
3. Save You Up to 80% on International Shipping
4. Reliable Service & Supportive Customer Service Team
5. Shipping Addresses in 12 Regions including US/UK/Japan/Korea and More
6. Simple Shipping Rate to Provide Hassle-Free Overseas Online Shopping Experience