Only a month to Mother’s Day, don’t forget the preggo ladies with their little one on the way! Getting comfy in bed isn’t easy when there’s a bowling ball in your belly, get your expecting bestie or another half a Snoogle Pregnancy Support Pillow, so that she can get some quality sleep during these momentous months ahead! The Snoogle is uniquely designed to follow the natural contour and shape of your body from head to toe. The horseshoe shaped head pillow allows you to attain the position and height that is just right for you. The extra-long midsection is the perfect width for total back or tummy support… depending on the direction you choose to snuggle up in your Snoogle. The slightly curved end tucks snugly between the knees as it conforms to your body’s shape keeping you cool and comfortable all night long!
Shipping within US is FREE, and we will make sure your order arrives at your doorstep at only $3/lb! `