If you’re dazzled by the thousands of merchants at Rakuten Japan, don’t panic, we have you covered. We have picked 10 best-selling merchants from the outdoor gear marketplace and drugstores to boutiques at Rakuten for you. Check it out now!
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Japanese chain store for outdoors and sports products, which mainly retailing outdoor wear, shoes, trekking gear, golf, camping equipment, baseball, ping pong — you name it. If you’re an outdoor maniac, it’s definitely a shop you should visit.

Kenko Groups in Japan operate the largest online drugstore. It offers a wide variety of products from supplements, groceries and cosmetics. You no longer need to doubt the source of the product because it’s from a trusted and reputable merchant. Also, this shop offers free delivery even if the amount of your orders is low.

If you are a big fan of Japanese gachapon, you shouldn’t miss this shop. Toysanta is a retailer specializing in gachapon figures. You can choose your favorite directly without worrying about your luck!

Jumble Store by 2nd STREET
This is a well-known second-hand thrift shop in Japan. If you’re looking for treasure hunting, you shouldn’t miss this place. It’s divided into two subcategories, 2nd STREET and Jumble Store. The former is mainly for sales of second-hand home appliances, clothes, and daily necessities, while the latter is primarily for vintage clothes, handbags, and accessories.

Super Sports XEBIO
Super Sports XEBIO is a Japanese chain store for sports products, mainly retails outdoor wear and shoes for soccer, basketball, baseball, badminton, volleyball, golf and gym, camping equipment etc. It’s a place to find all of your sports products for all your family members.

Every parent should have heard of Nishimatsuya, which has over a thousand stores in Japan! Most of the children’s clothes are within the SGD18 budget. Although it’s cheap, its quality is assuring and cozy.

Laugh Laugh
If you’re a big fan of Sumikko Gurashi, San-x, Moomin and Snoppy, you should take a look at Laugh Laugh. It is a marketplace to sell furry plush dolls. The price is much lower than that is in local price, and some of them are even limited edition.