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Buyandship Shopping Guide: Keep Your Home Clean

9th March 2020

In light of the current COVID-19 outbreak, it’s crucial to maintain the cleanliness of your home. You may not be able to control the cleanliness of the things you touch outside your beloved home, like the doors in public transportation and the surfaces in malls and department stores. However, you can still take precautionary steps in making sure that your home is squeaky clean and free from bacteria and viruses!

You need to remember that these tips should be used in conjunction with the basics of hygiene guidelines: regularly and thoroughly wash your hands for at least 20 seconds (hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice), always sanitize surfaces regularly using disinfecting wipes, avoid touching your face and always cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze with your elbow. And lastly, wash your laundry at home as frequently as possible!

Buyandship has curated our Top Picks Home Care Products across the different markets that we cover — they might be pretty handy in this time of crisis.


Vray Portable UV Sterilizer

  • A convenient alternative to harsh chemical cleaners, this Vray UV steriliser is a powerful and compact device that can eliminate harmful bacteria on everyday items quickly! 
  • Featuring a powerful ultraviolet-C light that effectively kills up to 99.9% of germs and bacteria, Vray is designed for easy portability!
  • Vray can be used to sterilise anywhere and anything at home, from toys to flat surfaces. Thanks to their built-in rechargeable battery, you can take the steriliser with you to virtually clean any type of surface.

Dr USB Plasma Cleaning Mini Ionizer

  • In case you didn’t know, Plasma Cleaning is a new concept for your closet with plasma care technology.
  • The plasma care technology can remove germs, viruses, moulds and allergy-producing substances in various places such as the closet and the bathroom with very little ozone emission! 
  • If you’re worried about the use of chemicals, this device removes harmful substances in the air without any hazardous chemicals at all. So feel free to use it at your own convenience.

Russell Hobbs Purity Glass Brita Kettle

  • Are you constantly worried about the chemicals and impurities in the tap water at home? BRITA Filter Purity Glass Kettle from Russell Hobbs can assist you with that! 
  • Their built-in BRITA water filter system reduces limescale and chlorine, and also permanently absorbs any copper and lead that could occur in tap water. 
  • Sometimes, these chemicals can leave a residue or a bad taste in your water which can be quite a party pooper! With its built-in BRITA water filtration system, these impurities can greatly be reduced.

Dyson V6 Trigger Handheld Vacuum (Refurbished)

  • Cleaning your home is no longer a chore with your very own Dyson DC58 Handheld Vacuum Cleaner as this cleaning device spins up to 3 times faster than conventional motors! 
  • Small, light and powerful, this cleaner is designed for a high-efficiency clean-up and does not use a bag to collect the dust. Amazing, isn’t it?
  • In case you’re still in doubt, this vacuum also comes with a cordless design and uses a quality washable filter technology. Vacuuming has never been made easier with Dyson!

lightbulb-03 Be sure to use Buyandship’s nearest overseas warehouse address for access to affordable international shipping. From there, you can send your haul to your doorstep via our forwarding service, which is only S$5 per lbs!
