If you are NEW at Buyandship, sign up for free and get S$5 Buyandship points as a starting credit! Simply register here: Sign Up
Are you already a member and happy with our Buyandship service? Tell your friends and get 3 SGD each!
How it works? Go to your account and under “Referral” and you will find a Friend Referral Number or a Friend Referral Link. Share the Friend Referral Number with a friend or share the link on Facebook or a blog post.
As soon as your friend registered as a Buyandship member through your referral number or link, and completed his first order via Buyandship, both of you will automatically gain 3 points each on your Buyandship account! These 3 points can be used for your next Buyandship order!
There is no limit, the more friends you refer, the more points you can earn!
Please remind your friend!
- If they’re using “Friend Referral Number”, please make sure enter the “Friend Referral Number” during registration process, otherwise you will not be rewarded any bonus points.
- If they’re using a referral link, your “Friend Referral Number” should automatically show on your friend’s registration page. If it failed to do so, your friend will have to re-enter the 10-digit “Friend Referral Number” manually in order to receive bonus points.
- Friend Referral Program is only for registered use in the same country or city.