It’s ok, we get it. We get into gancheong spider mode too when we are waiting for a package to arrive.
Our top wish is that teleportation will hurry and get itself invented so when they say that we can get things at “the click of the button”, it really will appear next to us at the click of a button.
But realistically, we still have to wait for our purchases to travel the distance to get to us. So we thought we’d give a quick brief on what to expect with travel times in order for you to zen yourself out, and know that your package WILL get to you.
Once you declare your packages with us, there really isn’t much else for you to do other than sit back and relax because the packages will automatically get transferred to our Hong Kong facility where your consolidated packages get weighed for the final leg of their journey.
The question is: How long will it take to get to Hong Kong? Because sometimes the hardest thing is to sit on your hands and not be able to do anything!
US to Hong Kong
Within 4-6 days upon reaching the US warehouse.
Packages get sent out 5 times a week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
UK to Hong Kong
Within 4-6 days upon reaching the UK warehouse.
Packages get sent out 2 times a week: Tuesday and Friday.
Japan to Hong Kong
Within 2-4 days upon reaching the Japan warehouse.
Packages get sent out 5 times a week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
Korea to Hong Kong
Within 2-3 days upon reaching the Korean warehouse
Packages get sent out 5 times a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Always remember to check your inbox, and even your spambox (just in case), because you will get sent updates at every receiving point of the process. This ensures that when you get the notification that your parcel arrives at Hong Kong, you can easily activate the Hong Kong facility to weigh your parcels and send you the costing.
Following that, once you make the payment the parcel will be home free! And it will typically take around 3-4 days to get the package to your door.
Don’t forget that sometimes delays may happen during the festive periods, so just to be safe, add a few more days to expected wait times.
We hope this helps you plan out your purchases, especially if you need something by a certain date.
Don’t forget to bookmark this page, and share with a friend if they also got their gancheong spider senses going!